Ijtema news

District Columbia (Annual) Halqa Ijtema, District Federal, USA - North America

 ~ Regional Ijtema under guidelines of Nizamuddin World Markaz 💯 ~

Alhamdolillah, District Columbia (Annual) Halqa Ijtema, District Federal, USA - North America 16th - 18th December 2022 at Islamic Center Hagerstown, Maryland State has ended.

Brief karguzary :

🔸 Total Jamat : 11 jamats.

🔸 Attendance : ±150 people (Maryland, Virginia, Carolina Utara, DC).

🔸 Foreign Guest : Qatar.

May Allah accept the efforts and grant Hidayah throughout the world. Aameen.

Note :

- USA consist of 41 Halqa (from 50 State + 1 Federal District),

- each Halqa has its own Annual Ijtema schedule,

- District Columbia only 1 Halqa.



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यूके जोर्ड इज्तेमा से विशेष कारगुज़ारी।

 यूके जोर्ड इज्तेमा से विशेष कारगुज़ारी। ************************ डबली मरकज़ में लंबे समय से प्रतिक्षित यूके यात्रा अलहम्दुलिल्लाह आज (15 सि...